Complete the form to register for the 2020 PEI Technical Forum (August 12-13, at the Seelbach Hilton, Lousiville, KY). To book your hotel room click here.
2020 PEI Back-to-Basics Registration
This years Tech Forum and Back-to-Basics training will be hosted at the Seelbach Hilton in Louisville, KY. The dates have been postponed due to COVID-19. Back-to-Basics will now take place on August 11th, 2020 and the Technical Forum will take place August 12-13th, 2020.
The hotel will allow us to have 50 people attend the event in-person. We will be accepting virtual attendees for this event as well as the in-person attendees. There was originally a tour planned of the GE-Firstbuild facility, and we are trying to reschedule that currently.
Please fill out all the required items. NOTE: Your credit card is charged by hand at the office. It will not be charged when you hit the “send” button. Upon submitting the form, you should see a check-mark at the bottom with the caption ” The form was submitted successfully.” If you have any questions please contact
For the event registration, please enter the number of people that you are registering for the event, and enter the names of others attending in the proper box.
Registration Fees
Due to the nature of the in-person vs. virtual event, we have had to make adjustments to the registration fees.
In-person event:
Back-to-Basics Member fee: $370
Back-to-Basics Non-Member fee: $525
Virtual Event:
Back-to-Basics Member Fee: $315
Back-to-Basics Non-Member fee: $470
Please fill out all the required items below. We will charge your card by hand in the office. Please comment in the box at the end if you would like a receipt.
For the event registration, please enter the number of people that will be attending each event, and enter the names of others attending in the final box.